
1. Create Employment Opportunities
Underprivileged low-income self-employed and unemployed women and by extension, their family members and others, are assisted to create/use employment opportunities from which they are able to draw income in a sustainable manner and improve the quality of their lives.

2. Develop informed and resilient women leaders
Informed and resilient women are developed to lead their families to overcome poverty, challenge gender inequality and violence, build resilient and supportive families. These women emerge effective in their leadership of their households, businesses, institutions, communities and other bodies they are part of. Consequently, social change is bound to happen with a more gender-equal and violence-free society.

3. Build sustainable institutions
Institutions established by the target members, mainly SACCOs, develop to ensure self-reliance and provision of continuous financial and non-financial services to their members.

4. Promote learning and the replication of good practices
WISE builds partnerships with like-minded organizations to promote learning and scale-up of good practices in pursuit of promoting effective strategies towards achieving poverty eradication, women’s empowerment and gender justice.


women and girls have been reached


110 Savings and Credit Cooperatives (SACCOs) established in Addis Ababa, Oromia region and Wolaita Soddo.


Provided training and coaching services to approximately 360 like-minded organizations nationwide, targeting both women and men