WISE (NGO) and WISE SACCOs Union have together over 130 staff members of which over 85% constitutes women. The Director is the founder of the Organization and has extensive experience in government (administration and teaching at AA University), non-government and private sectors in the areas of leadership, curriculum development, teaching, training, consulting, programme development, mentoring and management. She is the winner of the first award of “Woman of Excellence, 2012” organized by the Association of Women in Business (AWIB), and the Humanitarian award by CCRDA in 2018. The trainers’ team, composed of 20 full-time experienced trainers, offers training and consultancy to WISE's direct target members as well as other organizations. There are staff who are able to deliver training in local languages namely, Oromiffa, Tigrigna, Guragigna and Wolayitigna. In addition, a pool of part-time trainers who have been trained by WISE join the full-time trainers when circumstances require the deployment of many trainers. These part-time trainers are based in different parts of the country and speak different languages. The Union of Cooperatives has staff with rich experience in the development of cooperatives and excellent knowledge of the Cooperatives Law.
The Organization has accumulated 27 years of experience in organizing community groups and building their capacity, training of trainers, training of target members and offering Business Development Services. Currently trainers’ and learners’ manuals are available for all courses provided. For some of the courses, manuals are available in English, Amharic, Oromiffa and Tigirigna. Training aids such as posters and videos have been produced and used during the trainings. Videos produced on WISE’s target women who have transformed their lives are very good learning aids. Moreover, stories of change are produced every month since 18 years ago and are used to inspire community members participating in development programmes. The two G+2 buildings it built on the land given by the Addis Ababa City Administration are used as the main training venue. The facilities are used by others as well and generate income for the Organization.